September Showers- Bringing Hope to the Soybean Farmers

A shadow of worry descended on farmers of soybean as a prolonged brutal drought has affected soybean crop, leaving them parched for moisture. The dry spell had an irreplaceable damage on soybean crops, by affecting their growth and production. Madhya Pradesh being the highest producer of Soybean in the country, has faced up to 50% loss from the early sown crop.

Excess heat and prolonged droughts has led to discolouration of the leaves and reduced quality of the seeds. Apart from the deficient rainfalls, soybean crop is also damaged by Yellow Mosaic Virus, which is a severe disease. Pest like semi looper and tobacco caterpillar are also a serious problem in soybean crop.

 However, September month has witnessed a light-moderate rainfall over soybean growing regions, which is a great relief to the soybean farmers who had sown late, but will delay the harvest and decrease the quality of pod.

 Sowing area:

This year, sowing area of soybean has increased by 1.3%, sown in total of 125.57 lakh ha area.

The highest soybean producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

This year soybean has been sown in 53 lakh ha in MP, 50.7 lakh ha in Maharashtra and 11.4 lakh ha in Rajasthan. 

Rainfall Forecast:

  • September month has witnessed a good amount of rainfall, which is now giving a hope for recovery of the late sown varieties. Meanwhile, the Indian Meteorological Department estimates that there is a possibility of more rain in many parts of the country till September 21.
  • In Madhya Pradesh, soybean growing regions like Dewas, Indore, Dhar, Ujjain, Jhabua etc., are expected to have widespread moderate rainfall in next 3-4 days, which could affect harvesting.
  • Regions in Rajasthan like Baran and Kota are also likely to witness light-moderate widespread rainfall.
  • In Maharashtra, regions where soybean is grown like in Latur is also forecasted with light rainfall in next 3-4 days.

Yield and Prices:

  • The total yield of soybean is estimated by traders is approximately 14 million metric tonnes, despite increase in the sowing area by 1.3%. Due to dry spell caused by EL Nino, the production might be lower than last year.
  • The current prices of soybean at various regions in the country is running between 4870-5000/q. Traders are estimating that the price of soybean will be maintained until the new crop arrives into the market.
  • The new crop from Madhya Pradesh is estimated to come into the market in next 10-15 days.


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