Slow Chickpea Sowing in Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh is among top ten Chickpea producing states. Presently, farmers have started sowing in most of the districts and about 2.81 lakh ha area has been sown till 18th November which is 60 percent of the normal area of about 4.68 lakh ha. During 2014-15, with the yield of 1403kg/ha about 5.54 lakh mt production is estimated in the State. Despite deficient rainfall in Srikakulam, Prakasam and Kurnool districts, the state has registered normal rainfall during 1st June to 18th November 2015. Presently, the temperature is ranging around 24oC to 30oC. In this report, we have tried to collate information of Chickpea sowing in some districts of Andhra Pradesh.

In Anantpur, sowing of chickpea has started from mid-October. Most popular varieties are like JG-11. Sowing has been competed in about 68474 ha area till 18th November. Presently, day temperature in the district is ranging around 30oC which is expected to drop few degrees during mid-December while night temperature is around 19oC.  The district has received 320 mm rainfall during SW monsoon and 163 mm rainfall till 18th November during NE Monsoon. During next seven days, light to moderate rainfall is likely to occur at some places of the district.

In Guntur, chickpea sowing has started from first week of October and it has been sown in about 158 ha area till last week. Presently, day temperature in the district is around 30oC which is expected to cool down few degrees during mid-December while night temperature is around 20oC.  From 1st June to 18th November, the district has received accumulative rainfall of 613.6 mm which is normal.  Light to moderate rainfall is expected during next seven days.

In Prakasam, farmers have started sowing of chickpea from first week of October. Chickpea sowing has been completed in about 1567 ha area which is about 2 percent of normal area under the chickpea in the district. Presently, day temperature in the district is around 30oC. The district has received 501.8 mm accumulative rainfall from 1st June to 18th November which is 30 percent less than normal rainfall. Light to moderate rainfall is expected in the district during 29th November to 1st December 2015.

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